How can I tell my partner that I have herpes?

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It makes you happy and motivates you to become a better person. Everybody has an equal right to love and be loved. No one due to any condition should be deprived of it. Having herpes is one situation in which people mostly give up on love. They feel that they would not get someone who would understand them and their condition, which is completely untrue.

Having Herpes does not mean that you cannot fall in love and enjoy moments with your special someone. It is not the end of life and should not even be considered so. All over the US there are huge numbers of people who have Herpes and are either happily married or delighted in love. This clearly shows that there are people who whole heatedly accept date people with Herpes in their life.

One should realize the importance of communication in a relationship. To be with someone, you need to discuss your condition with them and make them known that they have to accept you with it. Once they know, with the help of timely checkups and precautions you can sustain a healthy and lifelong relationship with them.

However, sharing details of your medical condition is certainly not easy, especially with someone you are just beginning to fall in love with or have already fallen for. You should know that for them it would not be a smooth task to tackle with the complexities of the Hsv. The fear of being infected and the future of the relationship would make them apprehensive to begin with. But, with your help and knowledge, they would be able to support and love you completely.

It is essential that you share the news at the onset of the relationship. Once you both are comfortable in each other’s company and are willing to take the next step, breaking the news that you have Herpes becomes essential. This is the time when they know you up to a certain level to take the risk and explore possibilities. And, if you date someone who has Herpes, it would be the best for you. This would help you both relate and understand each other well. And to find one such person, online herpes dating sites are the platform where you need to be. Just create a profile and meet several others like you, willing to develop a long-term relation.


How To Handle Dating When You Have Herpes

Be positive and brave. I got herpes 6 months ago. I was so sad and anxiety about this. And I felt be cheated. Because my bf, I only had him in my sex life. I cried three days and shouted to him. We broke up at last. I felt so sad and all the things in my life changed. I moved to a new place. No social life, no friends, I was like a monster and couldn’t face my parents.


Luckily, I found  hsvbuddies in the internet. At first, I just wanna have a try and see something outside. But it gave me a surprise. There is no discrimination and members here are polite and friendly. We shared experience and minds. It just like a thirsty traveler in the desert found an oasis! Something lost in my life have come to me again. I could go outside and take treatment more positively. I knew the past life couldn’t be changed. The only thing I can do is to forget the bad thing and begin a new life. For other people living with an STD just like me, I want to say ” It’s actually not the end of the world. Be positive to take treatment.

Wish you all of the best and thanks for  hsvbuddies again

Why herpes will not ruin your sex life?

Being with someone who accepts you just the way you are is so surreal. It takes a lot of courage, devotion and love to be with someone through thick and thin. And all the more, being with someone you know is infected with Herpes virus. Such a relation can only be called pure, when a person is willing to take the risk and ready to give up on his or her fears to be with someone they know can transmit them the disease as well.

There are more than 60-70% people in the US who are not only infected by the herpes virus. As there is no cure for this condition, if you are infected with HSV, you have it forever. Nonetheless, a lot of people having herpes have learnt to lead a perfectly normal life. The credit for this goes to the availability of complete knowledge about the STD. People are getting aware about the transmission, effects and precautions related to Herpes. Once they know about the condition, they are ready to face it.

This is one reason why a lot of people are willing to accept people with Herpes in their life. Although it is a known fact that there is no cure for the disease, the ability to prevent the transmission is also available. Earlier it was believed that Herpes can ruin your love and sex life. This however does not stand true in today’s time with the help of medical consultation. Having herpes would not keep you away from your loved one if you take the necessary precautions.

The foremost need is to know ascertain that both of you have herpes. Once you are sure of this, sustaining a sexual relationship would become a bit easier than with someone who does not have Herpes. In any case, make sure to avoid sex during your outbreaks. The virus of herpes is most contagious during an outbreak. This is why it is essential to avoid getting intimate during this time as it can be transmitted through contact from the skin.

Another point is to always use a condom. Best is to use latex condoms while having sex as it renders highest protection. Although it would not provide full proof protection, but most of the areas which are likely to transmit the virus can be protected. Along with this, medication specially meant for herpes people should be considered. These are antiviral medicines which help in the prevention of outbreaks, thereby reducing the risk of virus transmission during any sort of physical contact.

Herpes Dating Site will Bring Back the Smile to Your Face

I was tested positive 6 months ago. I was so sad and anxiety about this. And I felt be cheated. Because my bf, I only had him in my sex life. I cried three days and shouted to him. We broke up at last. I felt so sad and all the things in my life changed. I moved to a new place. No social life, no friends, I was like a monster and couldn’t face my parents.

Luckily, I found  hsvbuddies. in the internet. At first, I just wanna have a try and see something outside. But it gave me a surprise. There is no discrimination and members here are polite and friendly. We shared experience and minds. It just like a thirsty traveler in the desert found an oasis! Something lost in my life have come to me again. I could go outside and take treatment more positively. I knew the past life couldn’t be changed. The only thing I can do is to forget the bad thing and begin new life. For other people living with STDS just like me, I want to say ” It’s actually not the end of the world. Be positive to take treatment. And attend social live belongs to you just like in hsvbuddies